
After uploading a piece of code, my MEAP won't respond to new requests to program it, or doesn't show up in the Arduino IDE at all!

There are a few things that tend to cause this. It tends to happen to me most often when printing a lot to the serial console or when I have a lot of samples stored in memory.

We just need to manually place the ESP32 into programming mode using the PGM and RST buttons on your MEAP. We can do this using the following process.

  1. Press and hold RST
  2. Press and hold PGM
  3. Release RST
  4. Release PGM

Your MEAP should now show up in the Arduino IDE, ready to program!

After you upload your program, you will need to press and release RST to take your MEAP out of programming mode.

The noise floor of my MEAP is very high and/or the readings from my potentiometers are unstable!

This is usually due to a noisy power supply. Laptop power supplies in particular can be noisy, and may vary from device to device. Most dedicated power supplies (5v phone charger variety) will be have smooth enough power that this shouldn't be a problem. If your laptop's power is very noise, I always recommend using a dedicated power supply when performing or recording.